Accent Channel Teacher: Jennifer Nonn-Murphy, M.S., CCC-SLP

Accent Channel Teacher Spotlight: Jennifer Nonn-Murphy, M.S., CCC-SLP

Improving your speech and pronunciation can feel like an overwhelming task. There is so much content on social media and YouTube, but free lessons can only take you so far.

If you're serious about improving your spoken English and communication skills, private sessions with a qualified teacher are the best way to achieve noticeable, permanent improvement that feels (and sounds) effortless in real-life speaking situations.

It can be tough to choose the right person as your guide to better speech. All Accent Channel Method teachers have been trained to assess your speech, set specific goals for improvement, and provide the individualized instruction and accurate feedback you'll need to hear a real difference.

So let me introduce you to Jennifer Nonn-Murphy, M.S, CCC-SLP.

Jennifer is a Speech-Language Pathologist who started her career in 1999.   She utilizes her studies and experience in the field of communication to coach business professionals who want to level up their communication style and skills.

She became certified in The Accent Channel Method of Speech Improvement in 2021.

Her goal is to help her students present with effective, confident communication skills.

Because communication has a multitude of channels, her coaching experience is broad and includes: presentation skills, speech writing, Standard American accent training, preparing for a TV interview, helping people with their 30-second self-elevator pitch, helping to organize an internal corporate communication plan, helping people who have a fear of speaking in a group setting, and coaching people who speak too quickly.

Click here to learn more about Jennifer.

You can also connect with her on social media: